Shut Up!!

Till very recently, I thought that I'd been suffering from writer's block...but now the words are flowing so fast that my fingers can't keep pace. What brought about this amazing transformation, you ask? Simple. Anger. Pure, unadulterated anger. I cannot believe that sometimes, in fact so many times, education is just a waste, and that people remain such twits! (Sorry for the language). People, my post today is about feminism, so all of you who couldn't be bothered, please, for heaven's sake, stop reading right now. Or maybe you should chew on the fact that 'apathetic' contains 'pathetic' inside it.

Yes, feminism. I like it, I espouse it. Why, you ask? Because I have studied it, and I understand it. Conversely, because I have studied it, I have the right to dismiss it if I wish to, and I refuse to share this right with every random person on the street. Big deal, you say..yes, it is a very big deal. Today if I decide that conventional medicine is all a bunch of hocus pocus and should be done away with, will you listen to me and come to me for treatment the next time you fall sick? Of course not, The reason? I'm not a doctor. I'm not qualified to make such statements. So if that respect is accorded to medicine, why is social science everybody's playing field, and fair game for everyone? Coz it speaks in English?

Getting back to feminism, I have heard so many educated women, dressed in jeans, maybe even smoking the regulation cigarette, claiming that they aren't feminists, like its an infectious disease or something. I've wanted to scream, "Just LOOK AT YOURSELVES, FOR PITY'S SAKE!!!" Why do you think you're able to wear jeans, or smoke cigarettes? Why do you think you're able to 'choose a love marriage', whatever that is? Because, dolts, that space is available to you today. You may not care enough to vote, but just imagine...YOU CAN! How the heck do you think you got all these things? Through the benevolence of men?? My advice is, join a library, and use it, please. The thought that you are the people who benefitted from all the years of toil undertaken by all those marvellous women just leaves me cold.

Also, feminism is an academic discipline. It is a body of work that has been subjected to the most critical analyses by the most brilliant minds in social science. It is NOT trivia, to be dismissed after trivial and perfunctory discussions. So, the next time, when you decide to not get married, or eat like a pig, or buy the shortest skirt in the store, think about who gave you this freedom. Have a little respect for the state of things today, because so many people dedicated their lives to making sure that this much atleast could be accomplished. And, please, think before you say things that sound airy and cool but are vapid and insubstantial. This is for my benefit, women. Don't get me mad again.

On a happier note, the new James Bond is quite ok, almost good, as long as he keeps his shirt on.


mad angles said…
:)I agree.
heh? ok said…
i'm glad :)
Sig said…
You go sister :P I agree - I think all women are in a way or another, some more consciously I guess. I think they are AFRAID of being labeled that because it has been given such a negative connotation these days and it "might scare the boys away" LOL. Feminism = Equality. It is the RIGHT to choose or not choose. Feminism = Freedom. :D
heh? ok said…
absolutely. sad how the word has been expropriated and inverted.
Skylight said…
you should mail this to MJ, she'd love it :)
heh? ok said…
@ nin
mj? shudder...she's probably gonna think i'm some half-witted twit who has nothing better to do. no thank you.
ah.. this is the fight post... hmm.. well.. yep.. agree that it was n still is necessary.. tho i vote.. do away wid religions.. it'll act as a vital solution 4 great many feminism-related issues too!
heh? ok said…
@ sun
don't even get me started on religion
Anonymous said…
All dumbass reviewers your friends ehh! .... the self appreciation society can get so cosy right!
heh? ok said…
@ anon
why the cover of anonymity? i don't mind reviews by people who aren't members of my cosy self admiration society, but i also don't appreciate snide comments by people who are too insecure to identify themselves with their thoughts, snide or otherwise.
Anonymous said…
well written...for a girl....12 angry men is better than james bond btw - management geek
heh? ok said…
@ anon
for a girl???
raghu said…
4 a girl..wats dat suppsoed 2 mean..
i hat a nony comments.. i mean.. wats the use of the comment at all..?

Awomen to the post.
heh? ok said…
@ raghu
:) you said it
Unknown said…
Thats a good one lady..keep it up...
heh? ok said…
@ atul trying, but sometimes the mind blanks out a bit.
been reading a lot of your blog all day today... and this post kinda seals my feeling of meeting a kindred soul...
heh? ok said…
@ dee
and i'm gonna go out and buy me a drink to celebrate that someone actually reads my archives :D

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